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The Power of Presence

Discover the power of presence through mindfulness. Learn how being present, transforms everyday moments into meaningful experiences and enhances your life.

4/5/20243 min read

Power of presence,
amidst life's distraction

These days the world is full of distractions, unfortunately I can hardly hear myself think, let alone remember what I did yesterday. Taking time to pause is a big deal.

My sole job when I wake up in the morning is to be present. That’s it, yet it’s a big ask, for someone like me.

I don’t have special circumstances or a long story to tell. I just struggle at being present. So if you're struggling with being present as well, I totally understand.

In this article:

Focus On The Here and Now

I was first told to be present in my rocky 20’s when I was going through the “what should I do with my life?” phase. In my opinion being present is hard work, you’ve really got to focus on the person you’re with.

Try it, for say half an hour with your friends or ten minutes with your kids. It's totally exhausting because you have to be fully focused on the person in front of you and I just didn’t have that attention span anymore. Ugh I feel tired just thinking about it.

If you’re able to quiet your mind, let go of your worries and totally immerse yourself in what you're doing, then you’ve opened a door to so many possibilities.

When we really focus on being in the moment, we open ourselves up to a world of wonder and awe.

Suddenly, the simplest moments become infused with meaning and significance, a smile from a stranger, the warmth of the sun on our skin, the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind.

We become attuned to the rhythm of life and just go with the flow.

Presence Is Life

Being present isn’t all about having a good time. I’ve found some of the most difficult moments I’ve faced required being in the moment.

Personally I find that life’s challenges play a huge role in presence. When we face adversity with presence, we tap into our inner strength and resilience.

We meet each moment with an open heart and a clear mind, ready to navigate whatever comes our way with wisdom and compassion.

Life has thrown challenge after challenge at me and I have found taking time out to digest what’s going on helps.

Those peaceful moments of solitude and letting the mind weave away and think, helps you to find answers to problems that were unsurmountable.

Shifting Your Mindset

Shifting your mindset means making a conscious decision to show up fully for each moment.

However, just turning up is not enough. You have to let go of distractions and expectations, and to be fully engaged in whatever you're doing.

It doesn’t matter how small or large the activity is, you have to be fully immersed. So from having a conversation with a loved one, or taking a walk in nature.

This may sound simple, but some of us struggle with this, so let me know how you get on if that's you.

Mindfulness Practise

Practising mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment without judgement. It's about being aware of our breath, our body, our surroundings, and fully engaging with each experience as it happens.

There is a tendency to go through the motions without experiencing the actual moment you share.

I realised I was doing this myself. I used to see dinner as a necessary activity to feed my body, instead of a social gathering.

I love to cook and spend at least an hour or so preparing dinner. However when we sat down to eat, it was as if I were in a race to finish eating before moving onto the next thing.

I had to consciously sit down and say to myself, ‘enjoy the moment’ and be present. That simple mindset change, means dinner is a much more enjoyable experience now, where we talk openly about our day, instead of rushing.

Power of Presence

I encourage you to absorb the power of presence in your own life. Start by writing down the things you just plod through each day, without a care in the world.

Ask yourself, in what way could you be different or what could you do, to make it more enjoyable.

Take a moment to be at one with yourself, breathe deeply, let go of any worries, and put yourself in the present moment.

Ultimately, it's not about the big achievements that define our lives, but all the little moments of presence that really make the difference.

With each breath, each heartbeat, may you find joy in the simple act of being present and discover beauty in every moment.

Cayla 💚